Solid, meeting, berhimpitan. The atmosphere of the stadiums are always full of spectators. Whether it's in the Premier League or League level two. "Indonesia is a country with a population of football supporters in the world", so said several news portals.
If such a fact?
The data shows that Indonesia is a country with:
54% of the inhabitants very fond with the football.
201,690,000 the inhabitants of unison look at World Cup 2010.
168 million local League fans, ranging from the Premier League to the League that never "sign in".
Based on the above facts, online and print media Indonesia instead tend to contain "bad news" about the football supporters. It's been quite a side of "Devil" supporters of Indonesia published. News makers should move from the kind of news like this. Directly, the author of the news being the party responsible for the bad suggestion to the reader, although it isn't really a goal.
Further, a suggestion turned into a process of imitation or impersonation. Given theinformation coming from a source "reliable", then this process went very smoothlywithout any party to filter it. "Tradition" eventually created, although the word "agree" related it never buzzed.
As the quote from Gerungan (1966:36), imitation does not take place automatically.Imitation is influenced by the attitude of accepting and admire a diimitasi object. But the object of imitation is the destructive behavior of yesteryear. Any such behavioris actually already "dido'akan" by Sigmund Freud, the father of Psychology world.
According to Freud, the urge was innate, instinctive human, destructive nature. Thiscaused the proponents as having hobbies along when they join together supporters who came from the same club. However, Freud remains optimistic, that boost innate described earlier can be directed at constructive behavior.
Behind the phenomenon that no foul being heard, there was one interesting side ofnumbered jersey enthusiast back then. Psychologically, they are the same as Indonesia society in General. However, when the Club's pet duel, as they seemed to change a tub man without fear.
Starting from a provocative shouted shouted, there is rarely any referee party became a victim of the sharp verbal supporter. Furthermore, concludes with a procession of vehicles, as they are "President" who should get special treatment from other road users.
In fact, it is the vital element for the supporter of football, so the word Fuller (2014:1). Indonesia football supporters have a spirit and loyalty without limits. In fact, it can be seen, they are ready to become martyrs to fight for his choice.
Unfortunately, the potential capital to build healthy this football climate dicederai by members of the "anti-peace". But many lives. In 2001, prompting the priest Siswanto from Canon blue (the term for supporters of PSIS Semarang) became the first victim died due to "anxiety" is not clear from the fanatical football fans.
Don't stop until there. Harun Al-Rashid, Muhammad Rovi Arrahman, give Mardias,Dimas Aditya, Ahmad "Mat Pools" Dani, Fathurrahman (The Pick), Fath Al Mulyadin(The Pick), Muhammad Tommy (Viola, Persita), Ahmad Hariri (Viola, Persita), m. Aziz (Pelita Jaya), and the names of any other stretch lives. When this phenomenon occurs inelite clubs of Europe, take the example of Real Madrid, then players like Zidane, Beckham, Raul Gonzales, even Cristiano Ronaldo would certainly prefer the leave early than his mutual supporters see the snuff.
All names mentioned earlier victims died tragically. That is, become a victim of pengeroyokan from the rival Club supporters. In fact, the word "rival" is inappropriate in this case. Football is a sport. All things that smell of competition should be released when the long whistle of the referees. Competition and the scent of revenge have been completed.
The reality is not as such, isn't it? Even the drums of war begins when the match was over. The host fans waiting in the corners of the city, braced with weapons that do not pass the test of SNI and not officially licensed. When supporters of the opponent's passing, then throwing the rock culture, attacked with sharp weapons and beams, even doing pengeroyokan on one person is helpless ever done.
Not only from the side of the proponents of the host, sometimes supporting any team join fishing anger local residents. So, the battle occurred. Between the supporters and the general public, which in fact is not meddling in football matches. Victims else tumbling. That's what happened at The Bradley supporters, Harun Al-Rashid Lestaluhu, some time ago.
Strange and sadistic. Such a cintakah them to football clubs than the lives of our fellow human beings? Whether their love at the Club could be extended into love to fellow lovers of football club Indonesia?
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